I wonder how much the fleeced sheep in the local congregations were persuaded to hand over for these recruitment screens.
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Cart Witnessing along with dramas on the big screen?
by Tahoe inhttps://youtu.be/f40ukvgjsqw.
is it the first of april already?.
Thank you F&DS @ the Watchtower Corporation! Thank you! Thank you!
by Solzhenitsyn inthis sundays 11/18 wt p.18 pp.3.
/ happy are those who serve "the happy god".
"stressful events-such as when a loved one dies or is disfellowshipped...".
The Fall Guy
Excellent news for you both!!
The sick teachings of the org's writing committee goes from bad to putrid and the mind-numbing of the average JW is starting to reach fever-pitch.
The CLAM meeting format & methods are more applicable for prepubescent minds.
WTBTS says JW's are not members of the Christian congregation
by The Fall Guy inare r & f jehovah's witnesses aware of the fact that their faithful slave-masters exclude them from being members of the christian congregation?.
w71 7/15 p. 430 par.
8 - membership in the christian congregation is strictly limited in number.
The Fall Guy
Are r & f Jehovah's Witnesses aware of the fact that their faithful slave-masters exclude them from being members of the Christian congregation?
w71 7/15 p. 430 par. 8 - Membership in the Christian congregation is strictly limited in number. Jesus spoke of them as a “little flock,” and three times in the book of Revelation the actual number is given as 144,000.
A helluva lot of JW history is just begging to be re-written electronically!
Help needed finding an old WT article
by careful ini no longer trust the search engine at the official jw website since they have quietly modified, purged, and expunged—or simply made no longer available—so many old works/pubs., so i'm asking for help finding an old article that likely predates the late 1970s (?).
i think it was an article rather than in a book, but i can't be sure.
the article's focus was on what it means for the anointed to be declared righteous.. it's important, i suspect, for grasping the view that whatever the gb decide is completely god-directed, so that, in effect, even though the org might officially deny it, the gb are viewed as infallible in practical terms.
The Fall Guy
w74 2/1 p. 96 Questions From Readers - "In the case of those who will rule with Jesus Christ, Jehovah God, on the basis of his Son’s sacrifice, “declares them righteous” and thus views them as being perfect, without sin, while yet in the flesh on earth." (Rom. 8:33)
This is the closest I could find so far.w79 9/1 p. 26 par. 11 The Royal “Shepherd” of Bible Prophecy
The members of this repentant, restored remnant of spiritual Israelites were cleansed and thus made fit to proclaim “this good news of the kingdom” internationally, in “all the inhabited earth.” (Matt. 24:9-14) In this way, by Jehovah’s undeserved kindness through Christ, they were declared righteous or were vindicated. Jehovah proved to be their Backer, their “champion,” and they became his Christian witnesses.
Noah 'warning the people'
by KW13 inam i imagining this?at the kingdom hall we were told many times that noah warned the others about the coming flood and was ridiculed but actually there is no evidence of this in the bible!there is however evidence to the contrary.
matthew 24:37-39.
37 as it was in the days of noah, so it will be at the coming of the son of man.
The Fall Guy
Purely to contribute to the discussion about the different Bible translation's interpretations:
People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. NLT
and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. NIV
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; KJV
and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; NASB
Devil's advocate: how could the people suddenly understand/realize/know what was happening at the commencement of the flood, if they had no prior conception or information about it?
They clearly had no faith/belief that such an unbelievable event would take place - despite the fact that the old man and his family were "putting their money where their mouths were" by building a huge wooden structure to float to safety.
Also, Jesus was making a comparison with the warning which he and his followers would issue to the Jewish nation regarding their impending demise and that of Noah's time.
The wording/translation quoted in some versions appear to be over-engineered - for whatever reason.
2 Peter 2:5 says that "Noah was a preacher of righteousness", so at the very least he was telling his contemporaries something which was unappealing.
Jehovah's Witnesses, is there Life after Death?
by JW Answers inthe jehovah's witnesses claim that at death you cease to exist... however, what if they have been taught wrong?
what if the bible explains that there is life immediately after death?
what if more than 8 people in scripture from old testament to new experienced, acknowledged or taught that there was life straight after death?
The Fall Guy
In the video you say you cover the following :
1) Samuel prophesied in spirit after his death to King Saul,
2) David's child went to be with the Lord at death,
3) Moses and Elijah made an appearance to the Lord Jesus,
4) The Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16,
5) Stephen was ready to go to Heaven at death,
6) Paul knew at death, he would be immediately with the Lord,
7) James' application of the spirit and the body,
8) The souls of the people who died in the tribulation, conversed with the Lord Jesus immediately afterwards,
9) What must I do to be saved?Since you don't allow questions on YouTube, I'll ask one here;
At 41 mins36 secs, (referring to No.8 above) you put Revelation 6:9, 10 up on the screen and read it out. It says, "I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God."
But in your next statement you change the location to heaven. Why are you mimicking the Jehovah's Witnesses by adding words to scriptures to create a different meaning? Heaven is not mentioned in the verses you used.
When you assume something, you make an ass of u and me.
Getting Remarried after a spouses death & then they are resurrected after Armageddon ?
by LOLS inhi guys .
i was wondering about the above , if a jw is allowed to remarry if a spouse has died, then what happens when they are resurrected at armageddon, do u land up with two wives/husbands ,,,,,,, makes no sense to me & can the jw's be so dumb not to think about this or have i got it wrong ?
and i will not be asking my uber jw husband , don't have the energy.. thanks.
The Fall Guy
Matt. 22:30 states the resurrected neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
So after Armageddon, planet earth will become the biggest singles club in the universe, thanks to all the resurrected male & female eunuchs!
12/31/2018 World-wide action “Escape from the watchtower" #escapefromthewatchtower
by AlexPancho ingood afternoon!
we are ex jehovah's witnesses.. in this video, we begin the world-wide action.
we call it action “escape from the watchtower”.. slavery in the united states was abolished on december 18, 1865. the fortress law in russia was abolished(аболиш) on february 19, 1861.. but jehovah's witnesses are still in captivity, in fear that they or their loved ones will ban communication through a procedure known as disfellowship.. we offer three easy steps to release:.
The Fall Guy
Simply by saying nothing incriminating and walking away from the org by totally shunning meetings, assemblies, conventions, & field service is all that is needed for many of us - myself included.
Why should I dignify the org's/elders' false authority over me by submitting a formal letter of disassociation to them? When do the org/elders ever put anything in writing to a publisher? Don't play their game.
Your solution may work for some, but many will want to leave without suffering PTSD.
February 2018 Watchtower - Addressing abuse Victims
by Listener inthere's a preview note on one of the articles in this newly released watchtower.
the note can be found on an article titled "part 1 of 4 love and justice in ancient israel".the note states -.
this article is the first in a series of four that will discuss why we can be sure that jehovah cares about us.
The Fall Guy
@ stillin - The comprehensive solution to the problem is that parents/victims should bypass elders and immediately inform the authorities of the crime. The elders and their faithful slave masters can then deal with the aftermath.
If an adult JW woman was raped by a fellow JW, would she immediately ask elders for advice and help?
February 2018 Watchtower - Addressing abuse Victims
by Listener inthere's a preview note on one of the articles in this newly released watchtower.
the note can be found on an article titled "part 1 of 4 love and justice in ancient israel".the note states -.
this article is the first in a series of four that will discuss why we can be sure that jehovah cares about us.
The Fall Guy
The blatantly obvious fact is this, (which JW's at every level refuse to accept) elders do not have the legal right, training, or expertise to deal with criminals or their crimes.
The WTBTS/CCoJW should instruct their elders to restrict themselves to "sins" and let the legal system deal with JW crimes.